Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year from the bakery! Villa Fortuna is on the bookshelves but we still have many desserts on the bakery shelves! Of course we won't close because my addictive sweet tooth cares very little for New Year's resolutions and friends love to sit down with a strong cup of coffee and sweet.   

This little recipe featured in the novel, comes from my mother's side of the family.  It is TO DIE for.  It's sort of like creamy, almond ice cream - but only better, and if I can make it, anyone can. It's that easy. 

I just finished the last one, but unfortunately DH and I fought over it and I had to split it with him.
3 egg whites
¾ cup sugar
1 ½ cup heavy cream
¾ tsp. vanilla
¼ cup blanched almonds
1 ¾ tsp. almond extract
6 maraschino cherries

Let egg whites stand at room temperature for one hour. Mix ¾ cups sugar with ¼ cup of water, bring to boil. Continue boiling to thick syrup consistency.
Beat egg whites at high speed until stiff peaks form. Pour hot syrup in thin stream into egg whites as you continue to beat until very stiff. Cover and refrigerate for half hour. (Even if it doesn't stiffen, continue beating the recipe will still come out great.)

Toast blanched almonds then chop fine. Place in small bowl and add 1½ tsp. almond extract. Whip cream with vanilla and remaining ½ tsp. almond extract until stiff. Fold into egg white mixture. Spoon into aluminum foil cups, top with almonds and ½ cherry on top. Cover and freeze. 

Buon appetito!

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